15 Years Ago, today I joined Polyak Trucking.
2006 I was half-way thru college for my bachelor’s in graphic design. My junior year in college I took my first business course and fell in love with it. I finished my degree but never applied for a single Graphic Design job.
Fast forward past being an admin, dispatcher, sales, safety, payroll, etc, Leaderships classes, Masters programs, Foster Parenting, B.B.B.S. and here I sit doing the hardest job I’ve ever had – Owner.
All I ever wanted was to be able to give Pops (Mike Polyak) a good retirement. When it finally happened there was a huge set-back mentally for me. My best friend was no longer on the other side of the wall making decisions WITH me. Yeah, I could/can call him for advice, but we all know it is not the same. I missed my best friend. We were in a new location, had new drivers, new customers & running a business during a pandemic. It has been a difficult road in a short time, filled with DOT audits, accidents, COVID shenanigans, etc – but I’m NEVER slowing down & NEVER giving up.
I want to Thank everyone who has been on this journey with me. From my remarkable office staff to ALL the Drivers, new & old. The ones who have stayed through thick and thin, the ones who only crossed paths for a minute and the ones God took too soon. To all the dispatchers & customers who became like family over the years: from Chris McManama in VA during AVON times to Matt Kozar in Chicago/STL during JB Hunt, Jonathan Sturgis in Raleigh/Chicago during Coyote. To Brian Athren and Edward Aquino at Schneider than CR England who know us best & Bill Lockwood from Roundy’s who I was happy to know retired in 2020 as well. To Chris Tanke & Christy Hewitt (and their entire team at HNI), Frank Kremkau and Cheri Airoldi, Ruth Graczkowski and Michael Stelter, Andrew Freter & Daniel Schwind, Michelle Scholbe, CPA & Kevin Pollard!
I love that you ALL are on my team and I will never take that for granted. The past 15 years have been Amazing & I am so very blessed to continue this journey.
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